The information contained on the site is strictly informative, it carries no legal commitment or contractual agreement from Lord Services (doing business as Davensi), which also reserves the right to modify its characteristics.

1 - Information about the publisher

The publisher of the Site accessible at the url address is:

Lord Services (doing business as “Davensi”, “we”, “us” or “our”)

A limited company with a board of directors (“société anonyme à conseil d’administration”) engaged in computer programming (code APE 6201Z)

Headquarters / registered office : 455 Avenue du Professeur Etienne Antonelli – 34070 Montpellier – France 

RCS (Trade and Companies Register / “Registre du Commerce et des Sociétés”) of Montpellier (France) : 889 272 639

Siret: 889 272 639 00010

Share capital: 37 000 €

Intra-Community VAT number: FR60 889 272 639

Phone number: +33 (0) 4 83 43 29 44

Email address : 

The director of the publication is Nicolas LEFORTIER, in his capacity as legal representative of Davensi.

Davensi’s core businesses are the provision of all digital asset services, including custody of digital assets for third parties, the creation, development and operation of a digital asset trading platform, the exchange of digital assets for other digital assets, and the purchase or sale of digital assets for legal tender.

The purpose of Lord Services is also the development and management of all systems, software, technical solutions, websites, platforms, and applications, related in particular, directly or indirectly, to the activities of providing services on digital assets.

Lord Services is registered as a Digital Asset Service Provider (“DASP”) in France with the French Financial Markets Authority (“Autorité des marchés financiers”), under number E2023-063.

The publisher of the Site accessible at the url address is:

Lord Services (doing business as “Davensi”, “we”, “us” or “our”)

A limited company with a board of directors (“société anonyme à conseil d’administration”) engaged in computer programming (code APE 6201Z)

Headquarters / registered office : 455 Avenue du Professeur Etienne Antonelli – 34070 Montpellier – France 

RCS (Trade and Companies Register / “Registre du Commerce et des Sociétés”) of Montpellier (France) : 889 272 639

Siret: 889 272 639 00010

Share capital: 37 000 €

Intra-Community VAT number: FR60 889 272 639

Phone number: +33 (0) 4 83 43 29 44

Email address : 

The director of the publication is Nicolas LEFORTIER, in his capacity as legal representative of Davensi.

Davensi’s core businesses are the provision of all digital asset services, including custody of digital assets for third parties, the creation, development and operation of a digital asset trading platform, the exchange of digital assets for other digital assets, and the purchase or sale of digital assets for legal tender.

The purpose of Lord Services is also the development and management of all systems, software, technical solutions, websites, platforms, and applications, related in particular, directly or indirectly, to the activities of providing services on digital assets.

Lord Services is registered as a Digital Asset Service Provider (“DASP”) in France with the French Financial Markets Authority (“Autorité des marchés financiers”), under number E2023-063.

The publisher of the Site accessible at the url address is:

Lord Services (doing business as “Davensi”, “we”, “us” or “our”)

A limited company with a board of directors (“société anonyme à conseil d’administration”) engaged in computer programming (code APE 6201Z)

Headquarters / registered office : 455 Avenue du Professeur Etienne Antonelli – 34070 Montpellier – France 

RCS (Trade and Companies Register / “Registre du Commerce et des Sociétés”) of Montpellier (France) : 889 272 639

Siret: 889 272 639 00010

Share capital: 37 000 €

Intra-Community VAT number: FR60 889 272 639

Phone number: +33 (0) 4 83 43 29 44

Email address : 

The director of the publication is Nicolas LEFORTIER, in his capacity as legal representative of Davensi.

Davensi’s core businesses are the provision of all digital asset services, including custody of digital assets for third parties, the creation, development and operation of a digital asset trading platform, the exchange of digital assets for other digital assets, and the purchase or sale of digital assets for legal tender.

The purpose of Lord Services is also the development and management of all systems, software, technical solutions, websites, platforms, and applications, related in particular, directly or indirectly, to the activities of providing services on digital assets.

Lord Services is registered as a Digital Asset Service Provider (“DASP”) in France with the French Financial Markets Authority (“Autorité des marchés financiers”), under number E2023-063.

2 - Information about the host

The service provider providing direct and permanent storage (hosting service provider) is: 

Company name : Google Cloud France SARL

Address : 8 Rue de Londres, 75009 Paris, France - VAT FR78881721583 

Website link:

Date of last update : 19/07/2023

Legal Notice

Davensi is a platform of investment solutions and management of digital assets for individuals looking for an alternative way to make their wealth grow.

We ambition to modernize wealth management in order to give financial freedom to people who want to lead the projects they want at any stage of their lives.

  • We ambition to make anyone a modern investor

    • capable to make his own research and investment decision backed with the proper tools and knowledge (link to Glossary section) 

    • empowered to navigate the complexities of new financial world in which digital assets are a must-have in a diversified wealth management strategy

  • Our values

    • We believe in digital assets as a long term value asset class powered by blockchain technology.

    • We believe in financial freedom as a right to have your money whenever you need it.

    • We believe in modern wealth management democratized thanks to AI and human expertise.

    • We believe in the co-existence of two financial systems, the traditional centralized finance system regulated, secured and the decentralized finance system that gives back ownership to people.

Davensi S.A.S. is a limited liability company under French law whose registered office is located at 494, rue Léon Blum, 34000 Montpellier, registered with the Montpellier Trade and Companies Registry under number 889 272 639. Davensi S.A.S. is registered as a Digital Asset Service Provider ("DASP" or "PSAN") with the AMF under the number E2023-063. This website does not constitute investment advice or an inducement or recommendation to trade in any digital asset. Any investment or trading involves risk. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. Investing in digital assets carries a risk of total or partial capital loss as well as a risk of significant volatility that may not be appropriate for individuals. Only risk the capital you are willing to lose.

© 2023 Davensi. All rights reserved

Davensi is a platform of investment solutions and management of digital assets for individuals looking for an alternative way to make their wealth grow.

We ambition to modernize wealth management in order to give financial freedom to people who want to lead the projects they want at any stage of their lives.

  • We ambition to make anyone a modern investor

    • capable to make his own research and investment decision backed with the proper tools and knowledge (link to Glossary section) 

    • empowered to navigate the complexities of new financial world in which digital assets are a must-have in a diversified wealth management strategy

  • Our values

    • We believe in digital assets as a long term value asset class powered by blockchain technology.

    • We believe in financial freedom as a right to have your money whenever you need it.

    • We believe in modern wealth management democratized thanks to AI and human expertise.

    • We believe in the co-existence of two financial systems, the traditional centralized finance system regulated, secured and the decentralized finance system that gives back ownership to people.

Davensi S.A.S. is a limited liability company under French law whose registered office is located at 494, rue Léon Blum, 34000 Montpellier, registered with the Montpellier Trade and Companies Registry under number 889 272 639. Davensi S.A.S. is registered as a Digital Asset Service Provider ("DASP" or "PSAN") with the AMF under the number E2023-063. This website does not constitute investment advice or an inducement or recommendation to trade in any digital asset. Any investment or trading involves risk. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. Investing in digital assets carries a risk of total or partial capital loss as well as a risk of significant volatility that may not be appropriate for individuals. Only risk the capital you are willing to lose.

© 2023 Davensi. All rights reserved

Davensi is a platform of investment solutions and management of digital assets for individuals looking for an alternative way to make their wealth grow.

We ambition to modernize wealth management in order to give financial freedom to people who want to lead the projects they want at any stage of their lives.

  • We ambition to make anyone a modern investor

    • capable to make his own research and investment decision backed with the proper tools and knowledge (link to Glossary section) 

    • empowered to navigate the complexities of new financial world in which digital assets are a must-have in a diversified wealth management strategy

  • Our values

    • We believe in digital assets as a long term value asset class powered by blockchain technology.

    • We believe in financial freedom as a right to have your money whenever you need it.

    • We believe in modern wealth management democratized thanks to AI and human expertise.

    • We believe in the co-existence of two financial systems, the traditional centralized finance system regulated, secured and the decentralized finance system that gives back ownership to people.

Davensi S.A.S. is a limited liability company under French law whose registered office is located at 494, rue Léon Blum, 34000 Montpellier, registered with the Montpellier Trade and Companies Registry under number 889 272 639. Davensi S.A.S. is registered as a Digital Asset Service Provider ("DASP" or "PSAN") with the AMF under the number E2023-063. This website does not constitute investment advice or an inducement or recommendation to trade in any digital asset. Any investment or trading involves risk. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. Investing in digital assets carries a risk of total or partial capital loss as well as a risk of significant volatility that may not be appropriate for individuals. Only risk the capital you are willing to lose.

© 2023 Davensi. All rights reserved